Monday, March 14, 2011

Friday night fright

Friday we spent in AI Hospital's ER for Ashlee.  Twice during the week, she cried about some pain in her head, both times she was asleep and the pain awoke her...the pain didn't last long, but enough to make her cry.  I called her doc Friday morn., and w/ Ashlee's history of an enlarged pupil, and now the unexplained pain in her head, they felt it was necessary to head to the ER and get a CT scan to rule out tumor.

We got there by 3:50pm...she got her CT scan around 8:30pm (she was so brave being stapped on a table, and entering a big machine) 9pm we were told the awesome news that it was 'CLEAR'....AMEN to that!!!! 

Poor Ash was not allowed to eat or drink that entire time there, so she was so hungry...I had packed a small bag prior of goodies, thinking she could snack while it was torture to know it was there and not eat it...but when we finally got the OK to eat, she chowed down on some chips and juice, then a burger from McD's!

I'm SO thankful she is ok...I prayed to my dad to not let anything be wrong with her...I don't think I could handle anymore bad news in my family!!!  Thank you dad!

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