A special day in Lancaster for Bella....
A fun way to keep friends who are near or far, close and in-touch!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
History in the Making!
I don't know about all of you, but I definitely was excited to see 'some' of the Royal Wedding this morning...moreso because I wanted to see Kate's DRESS!!! All the news reports and fashionista's all deemed that she would wear something non-traditional...sleek, slim...so I had this image in my head and was semi-disappointed when I saw her dress...but then as I saw her in it more and more, I LOVED it. Afterall, this is no ordinary wedding...so this dress is actually perfect and appropriate for such an event...it's vintage and elegant...she looks gorgeous!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Happy Birthday in Heaven
Today was my dad's birthday...he would have been 78! We all went to his grave, then back to my mom's...and just supported each other! Today also marks 9 weeks since his death, so at 5:10pm, we all toasted to my dad! Words cannot describe the loss we are feeling w/o him...but we truly believe he is watching down on us!!!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Color Eggs
Today was a nice family day...the girls wrote a 'wish' list of what they wanted to do today...make pancakes, make beds, go get new shoes, go bowling, go out to dinner, color eggs, hide eggs...we successful did it all! What a wonderful Saturday...:)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Many of you know, my sister Patty is going thru chemo...she has 2 more treatments to go...but she is completely bald. I told her back in Dec. I'd chop my hair too, just for her!! So, today I went and took the plunge...I showed my hairdressed the exact hairstyle I wanted...and walked out with the EXACT opposite...NOT HAPPY about it at all! I don't understand how she thinks it's even remotely the same cut?! Oh well, it's not that its so short that bothers me...it's this STYLE...hate this style...just not ME....so, I will prob be getting it cut yet again very soon...but at a different hair place!!! I was so ready for a CHANGE...new hair cut can do wonders for the soul...new email, new cell...new FB...embracing this CHANGE!!!
I wanted this![]() |
but got something like this (but much, much shorter) instead.... |
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Calling all angels....
We need some extra special prayers for my sister, Patty, who is battling cancer...with 2 chemo treatments left, she has to stop full chemo cocktail, due to complications to her liver...hoping the last 4 treatments were effective enough to kick this cancer...just really need alot of prayers on so many levels! Here is her Caringbridge page if you'd like to keep up with her journals...
Monday, April 18, 2011
There are certain 'people' that leave rude comments (THEY know who they are)...to those, I ask you again, for the 5th time...please respect my blog and stay off it...keep your comments off my blog...!! I deleted the last comment to my last post due 'unsaid' person and their comment not being needed...I will start naming you if you wish...but you asked me to stay out of your life, I'm asking you, AGAIN, stay off my blog!!
ps that means stop trying to FRIEND me via some bogus alias...
ps that means stop trying to FRIEND me via some bogus alias...
Sunday, April 17, 2011
For the love of ART
My kids love, love, LOVE to draw...and so where else to put their materpieces...our bedroom wall...:)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
...or, Stewie or Sven...2 words for you...GOOD TRY....
But, thanks for the entertainment...:) Always a good laugh!
But, thanks for the entertainment...:) Always a good laugh!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Kidz night out...a fun day planned with mom-mom to see the play Pinocchio at the Dupont Hotel...then a fun sleepover at Pop-Pop's...and mom and dad finally get a date-night to celebrate their 10 yr anniversary at their fave place (Hotel duPont!)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
American Cancer Fundraiser (in honor of my dad)
Stepanie Quill has graciously offered to have her Dove Chocolate Business donate $5 per every order, to the ACF, in my dad's name...please help her by ordering some yummy Dove Chocolate for Mother's Day, and help support a really good cause (you can email her directly your order)...THANK YOU STEPH!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
While Jim was away at the Men of Malvern Retreat, I decided to have a Women of Mulvena Retreat...(all women except Joey!) It was a nice (low-key) gathering of family and friends enjoying some good food and good company and LOTS of overnighters...:)
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