Some fun pics of us at Staci's old town house...for some reason, we always did pyramids...nobody ever wanted to be on the top, so it was ME...I didn't mind, I'd rather be on top than have everyone's nobby knee's digging in my back...I have a new found appreciation for cheerleaders!!!
Wolfie was a doll that Joey bought one Halloween...its eyes lit up green and it sang the werwolf in London song, mouth moved and all...Haylee was only one year at the time and she was scared to death of it...hate to admit it, but I used to use wolfie as a "gate" so Haylee wouldn't go on the stairs, etc...worked like a charm (Jimmy hated when I did that)...LOL!
The pyramids were so much fun (ck out everyone's face from laughing so hard)...took many, many, MANY attempts to do it, believe it or are some pics of the fun (and falling down)...
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