Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween, 10/31/09

This Halloween didn't turn out to be as fun as I had hoped! Rain and a sick lil' 4 yr old made it for a rough day! We even ran out of candy...YIKES! But, the rain held off just in the nick of time for the Sunset Run Parade and trick or treating...! I made a batch of home made beef stew and pumpkin mushroom soup, since we were having company over. I also made home made choc chip cookies and banana-pumpkin bread...had a ton of nice h'dorves...but, my Ashlee sported a 103 fever all day long. She was so upset that she couldn't go out trick or treating, it broke my heart, but with her high temps and bad cough, and throwing up...ugh, no way! We told her people came by to fill her Halloween basket for her, since she couldn't make it out, and that made for a happy girl!!! We'll take her to the docs tomorrow...she just had the flu shot last friday, so I'm very afraid it's swine....stay tuned!

Here's my super hero, Haylee... Mo, Ash, mom and dad
Haylee and daddy
some of the kids from the parade
Pop-Pop and Haylee
Even daddy dressed up...the Crow

And my little sickie...poor thing never moved from bed all day, that is how bad she felt!

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