Saturday, August 16, 2008


MO and Tina in our comfy cozies....
Tina texting CAM who is officially a college man now in West VA
Ash, Haylee and Liam
snack time...
Tina on the phn with CAM....he's FINE Tina...LOL....
A goregous slept in until 8am...I'll take it...we hit Dunkin Dunuts by 9am....home to clean up the mess from the night before...met Tina and Liam at the pool by 12pm...had a glorious time there...then 4pm, off to Hibachi for take out...home to eat dinner, have home made sundae's, bath time...ooops, then they went OUTSIDE to play in the sandpit...sigh...ok, so tomorrow is another bath day a nutshell...another GREAT day to help me thru the w/e while Jim basks in Dewey sun, jamin' at JAM session with LS and GG (so not fair)...I splurged on the best of the best pino for me an Tina...Santa Margharita why not...the guys can't have ALL the fun!!! Tomorrow...back to DD for breakfast, off to the pool again this time with Staci and kids and Tina???

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