Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just Shoot Me....

I had to blog about a very embarrassing experience that happened to me last Friday. When I pulled up to my house, there was a County cop sitting next door at my neighbors house. I pulled into my garage and told Haylee to go grab the mail, as I got Ash out of the car...the cop came up to me and asked me a few questions about my neighbor - turns out her home alarm went off and she was not home. Anyway, after a few seconds of chit-chat, Haylee returns from grabbing the mail, and (again, if you don't know Haylee, she is VERY outgoing), she proceeds to say "HI" to the officer and exclaims "I got the mail..." as she holds up the Frederick's of Hollywood magazine...oh dear God, make it go away...why not just show him my underwear while you're at it!!!! I just wanted to DIE of embarrassement!!!! Hands-down, the most UNCOMFORTABLE moment to date! The officer gave a quick smile and nod to Haylee, and he walked away...suffice to say, he was speechless!